A big hello from Crumbly Head Games, and welcome to the site!

Like you, we love games and books, and we fondly remember the Choose your own Adventure and the Fighting Fantasy series. What better way to show our love than to create a game in the style of Choose your own Adventure, but, in this day of e-readers and computers in your pocket, an adventure book for the modern age?

We’re currently working on an engine for the Android platform to run our adventures, the first of which will be called “BiscuitLand Adventure” and will be available very soon. Our philosophy is to keep to the spirit of the original format – it was never uncommon to read those kind of books with your fingers being used as a 5-page bookmark, flipping back and forth after checking if you liked the results or not – while taking advantage of a digital format. This means exciting things such as achievements, mini games and social interaction!

Please show your support by signing up to the mailing list and following us on Twitter. It really does help and your feedback is invaluable to keep us on the right track. We’re also working on a free mini-adventure in PDF format, which will serve as an introduction to BiscuitLand and we’ll give to everyone on our mailing list!

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